
Apps / ToolSet - Manage Windows startup programs

About the app

Have you ever wanted an application to start automatically when the system is booted? Or the opposite, to make it stop from being started?

Windows have two places where it accounts these programs:

  • One of them is in Start Menu → All Programs → Startup. Just place a shortcut of the application here, and that’s it.
  • The other place is the System Registry, where it’s a bit harder to make changes. This application is made to easily edit or check these registry entries.

The system boot time can be accelerated by deleting some entries, but be careful! Never delete something if you don’t know what it is!
I don’t take any responsibility for any damage may caused by deleting these entries!

Adding a new entry

When adding a new entry, you have to give it a name which can be anything, it only have to be unique among the others.
For the value, you have to specify the full path to the application you want to run. Command line arguments can also be added.

System requirements
  • Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10


  • Changed the font of the title and updated the VB logo.
  • Language and website buttons now have rollover effect.
Languages:English, Hungarian
Last updated:16 May 2013
Published:20 May 2012


Download Application
Platform:Windows (32-bit)
File size:108.0 kB
MD5 hash: 751875c405556a03d73879fa79a46ca3