LED Strip Controller with Arduino This is one of my older works, but I had not published the schematics and the source code back then. The controller can drive an RGB LED strip which can be...
I Have Opened an Instagram Account! Here, in my developer blog, I tend to wait for projects to be fully finished, and then write a whole article on them. I wanted a different format, something...
Color Sorter LEGO GBC Module - Instructions and Schematics To build the color sorter for yourself, you will need 3 things: The LEGO bricks. The necessary tools and means to make a simple electric circuit. An Arduino...
Color Sorter LEGO GBC Module With Arduino The color sorting module is finally finished! Time for a more in-depth demonstration. I made a lot of modifications since the last video, the colors are now...
A Big Red Button for All Seasons So, I went ahead and purchased an arcade push button in every possible size I could find and assembled them into a box with an Arduino inside. This...
A Big Red Button Acting as a Keyboard Using Arduino The Big Red Button is technically a keyboard with a single button. What that button is, is up to the implementation. It can be an actual keyboard key, a...
Low-Power Fog Machine Vol. 1 An idea came to me while solving the mirror puzzle in Uncharted 2, of how cool it would be if I made something similar out of LEGO. I could use a laser as...
Playing DOOM on an Arduino Or at least the music... This is a short section of "At Doom's Gate", also known as the "E1M1 Hangar Theme". It is the very same tune used in the 2016 reboot...
Custom LEGO Power Functions 9V Power Supply In all the GBC videos I saw, there was an endless line of the classic train controllers, used for powering the motors from a wall supply instead of a battery...
The Great Ball Contraption Guess what, I have a new craze, and it is called the Great Ball Contraption. The great ball what? Well, let me quote the official wiki: "A great ball...
Nagy Piros Gomb™ Az ötlet onnan jött, hogy mindig is akartam egy nagy piros gombot, mert az tök jó, meg egy nagy gomb és piros (szóval hát mert miért ne). Egy gomba...
Star Trek csipogó komjelvény elektronika Amikor a jelvényt faragtam még nem merült fel bennem, hogy elektronikát is rakjak bele. Aztán elkezdtem mélyebben foglalkozni az Arduino-val és ekkor...